Friday, October 09, 2009

MarketWrap : bullish ends...1270 next week ?

A breakout week, setting a new trend higher towards 1270 in the coming weeks.
Above 1230 fbm is superbull market, encouraging fkli to attack 1240. Next round of fkli surge is expected if it breaks 1240. Otherwise, wait for a pullback towards 7sma/pink line if doing bargain style.
Fkli above 1240 is a breakout buy, especially if fbm above 1230.


  1. Intraday buy above 1240 ? Targetting 1260

  2. yes go for it. I wish 1260 but should keep an eye at 1250 on intra-day, taking into consideration of recent mkt volatility, about 10p range. Immediate stoploss is below 1234.
